Admissions Deadlines

It's difficult to keep track of when your college applications are due, especially when colleges have so many different kinds of deadlines. We've collected a list of application deadlines for a large list of schools below. In case you aren't familiar with some of the terms in the table, here are some handy definitions:

  • Early Decision (ED): This is an early deadline that is binding. If you apply to a school through the ED plan and get accepted, you have to attend the college. You typically finish applying by November and receive a decision in December. Be very careful with this option — with ED, you can't compare your chosen school's financial aid package with any others. Applying ED increases your chances of getting in because you have already committed to going if accepted.
  • Early Decision II (EDII): This is similar to the standard ED option, but with a later deadline (typically in January). With EDII, students have more time to build their profile through senior year grades and standardized tests taken during senior year.
  • Early Action (EA): Early Action is an early deadline that some colleges offer to allow students who are especially interested in the college to be considered before everyone else. Unlike ED, you do not have to attend a college that you are accepted to with EA. That way, you can make a good financial decision when it comes time to choose. We recommend always applying EA when possible.
  • Priority: The priority deadline is often used by public schools. It is another early deadline that may grant some benefits such as improved admissions chances, scholarships, and financial aid. We recommend always applying through Priority deadlines when possible.
  • Rolling: Rolling applications are reviewed "on a rolling basis" immediately upon being submitted. You will usually hear back from the school in one or two months. These schools typically leave their application available for longer than other schools.
  • Transfer: This deadline is specifically for people who are applying to transfer from another college. The transfer deadline also applies to students who apply to a four-year college after completing a two-year Associates degree.

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